2023 New construction of the laboratory diagnostics facility on the company premises, located at Leopoldstraße 116 in Köthen (Anhalt).
2022 Change of business model and name to Avicare+ GmbH Co. KG, the MMT veterinary practice laboratory is now a part of Avicare+
2018 2018 Certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015
June 2014 – April 2015 Construction of a building for production facilities dedicated to manufacturing stock-specific vaccines in cleanroom environments.
November 2014 Initial accreditation of the laboratory according to ISO 17025 by DAkkS (Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle).
September 2012 Certification of the veterinary practice MMT by Dr. med. vet. Stefan Müller-Molenar and Dr. med. vet. Matthias Todte according to the GVP (Good Veterinary Practice) code.
March – December 2011 Expansion of laboratory and practice rooms, major renovation of the practice building, and expansion of the upper floor.
2010 Founding of Avicare+ as a company for the distribution of veterinary vaccines and veterinary diagnostics with Dr. med. vet. Stefan Müller-Molenar, practicing veterinarian, and Dr. med. vet. Matthias Todte, specialist veterinarian for poultry.
Interesting Facts about our Background
April 2008 Takeover of the laboratory and practice by Dr. med. vet. Stefan Müller-Molenar and Dr. med. vet. Matthias Todte, continuation of the laboratory and practice under the name “Tierarztpraxis MMT”
June 2005 Initial accreditation of the laboratory according to ISO 17025 by the AKS (State Accreditation Body) Hannover.
September 2004 Relocation of the laboratory from Aken/Elbe to Leopoldstraße 116 in Köthen (Anhalt)
March 2001 Occupation of new laboratory premises on Dessauer Landstraße in Aken/Elbe
March 1993 Establishment and opening of the laboratory and practice rooms in Aken/Elbe by Dr. Klaus Müller-Molenar
1971 The founder of the small animal veterinary practice, Dr. Klaus Müller-Molenar, takes up the position as company veterinarian at the ZGE “Geflügel” in Rosefeld, in the district of Köthen, in the former GDR.