Trust through Quality
Avicare+ GmbH & Co. KG is flexibly accredited according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 by the Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle.

Avicare+ GmbH & Co. KG was founded in 2010 in Köthen. As a partner for veterinarians in the livestock sector, we offer innovative prophylactic solutions to improve animal health. We assist in the development of individual vaccines and efficiently evaluate the positive impact of our products in livestock populations. Additionally, we provide laboratory diagnostic services for projects and product development, collaborating with specialized veterinary laboratories and universities worldwide. Thanks to our experience, including at the MMT veterinary practice here in Köthen, we effectively analyze large amounts of data from livestock farming and offer professional evaluation as part of our product support service.
You can see our company premises here. The left building houses the laboratory diagnostics, the middle building hosts the poultry veterinary practice MMT, the small animal practice of Dr. Angelika Todte, office and conference rooms, and the right building is dedicated to the production of autogenous vaccines with cleanrooms of classes C, B, and A.
We see ourselves as strong partners alongside veterinarians working in the livestock sector. Together, we develop customized products for specific solutions. We place great importance on defining clear goals and timelines, and we are able to clearly assess the efficiency of our products and their positive impact on improving animal health in livestock populations. Our goal is to sustainably improve animal health, animal welfare, and the value creation of livestock populations with our innovative products. In doing so, we actively contribute to the societal task of further reducing antibiotic use and improving animal welfare in responsible livestock farming practices.